Dernières nouvelles

Message for Lent 2025 from His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo
Lenten Message 2025His Eminence Frank Cardinal LeoMetropolitan Archbishop of Toronto   My Dear Brothers and Sisters, May Jesus...
Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis
Requesting Prayers of Healing for His Holiness Pope Francis27 February 2025 Dear Brothers and Sisters, As you may...
St. Leo the Great Feast Day Celebration
The parish of St. Leo the Great is celebrating his Feast Day, please come and join us on...
Graphic of a calendar
Graphic of a calendar
RENEW Toronto, November 2023
RENEW TORONTO, November 4th, 2023 Join us on Saturday, November 4th for our annual Renew Toronto Young Adult...
The New St. Michael's Choir School
BUILD UP Newsletter Welcome to the second edition of the Build Up Newsletter. One conversation at a time...
Organ keyboards
Floor Medallion 1
Catholic Seniors is owned and operated by Catholic Sites Inc which has over 20 years serving the Catholic...

Video Block
You can source and display any video in this block from YouTube or Vimeo. It can be a Mass, reflection or promotional video for an event at your parish or the Archdiocese
277 Royal York Road
Etobicoke, ON
M8V 2V8

Bureau/Adresse postale
277 Royal York Road
Etobicoke, ON
M8V 2V8

t:  416.251.1109

Rev. Nicola Defina

Parish Staff

Placeholder (Story)
Sample Story #1
Similar to the rotator, these story blocks allow you to highlight information that is important to your parishioners. While this information isn’t as critical as the information you put in the rotator, this gives the parish the opportunity to highlight pages that you feel are important but hidden on your site. These content blocks can be hidden if it they aren’t being used.
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Sample Story #2
Similar to the rotator, these story blocks allow you to highlight information thatis important to your parishioners. While this information isn’t as critical as theinformation you put in the rotator, this gives the parish the opportunity to highlightpages that you feel are important but hidden on your site.These content blocks can be hidden if it they aren’t being used.
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Placeholder (Story)

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